Our Climbing Gym: Pesä

Pesä is a small climbing gym in Otaniemi JMT 3A for Oranki members. You can buy a Pesäcode for 30€ to get 24/7 access to the gym where you can climb and make your own routes. The code is valid for one year from purchase. After buying the code, we will contact you with your personal code and instruction on how to go to Pesä.

NOTE: Before purchasing the Pesäcode, you must be an Oranki member.

Our membership can be bought here after which you can purchase the Pesä access 🐒!


  • Pesä is for climbing use only
  • All climbing is at your own risk
  • Falling is not safe in all situations, make sure you do not hit other people, corners of the wall or the floor when falling off the route.
  • The codes are personal, do not tell them to other people.
  • Remember the rules of the building. Do not use powertools or make noise between 22-08.
  • If something breaks, please inform pesä manager (tg: akselit) or another board member.  
  • You can bring a friend to see pesä once. 
  • Keep pesä clean. Leave it in the same condition as it was when you came. 
  • Don’t remove the holds from the wall. You can make your own routes by adding more holds though. 
  • Routemaking rules are on the wall of pesä. 
  • The holds are removed every once in a while and washed. You will be informed before this happens, so no projects will be lost. 
  • Wash the dishes and clean up the coffee maker if you used them.
  • If you run out of coffee or filter bags, please inform pesä manager.